
Listed below are services available in Telford, for children who have survived recent or non-recent rape, sexual assault, grooming or sexual exploitation.

Which service is right for the victim/survivor at this time?

What to do if someone tells you they have been sexually assaulted

Check are they safe - If they are in immediate dangercall 999

Here are some steps you can take:

  • Listen and Believe: Listen attentively without judgment. Believe their account survivors often fear not being believed, so your support matters.
  • Safety and Consent: Ensure their safety. If the assault is recent, encourage them to seek medical attention.
  • Medical Attention: The police will organise appropriate medical examinations for children under the age of 14. SARCs provide medical, emotional, and practical support for survivors. Find rape and sexual assault referral centres - NHS (
  • Preserve Evidence: Encourage them to preserve evidence (clothing, messages, etc.) without washing or changing. Explain that this can be crucial for investigations.
  • Support Networks: Help them connect with support networks. speak to a teacher, school nurse or other trusted adult.  Contacting Childline | Childline is open 24 hours 7 days a week, call them on 0800 1111.

Do they want to report to the police?

If in immediate danger,  call 999

If reporting or advice,  call 101

Report online Report a crime | West Mercia Police

If you are worried about a child or young person, call Family Connect now: