Visual Evidence for Victims (VEV)
Not ready to got to the police? The VEV scheme can help you to record evidence of crime for when you are.
VEV is a free, confidential service. Partner agencies can take photographs of injuries or damaged property and store them securely. By keeping a record of incidents in this way, we help victims to keep the option of reporting a crime to the police in the future if they decide not to report straight away.
VEV will record evidence for any victim of violent crime aged 18 or over and who isn’t ready to report to the police.
Clients will have their VEV photographs taken confidentially, and there will also be a member of staff with them to give emotional support. VEV will never take photographs without written consent.
VEV agencies may also take photographs of damaged personal items that can be brought to the appointment.
The VEV agency will store these photographs securely until further notice from the client (for up to six years).
All staff are trained to record photographic evidence of visible injuries to people caused by incidents such as assault, domestic violence, sexual violence and hate crime.
Staff can only record visible evidence such as physical injuries (for example bruises, scratches, cuts or pulled out hair).
VEV does not collect forensic evidence – this can only be done by the police or another approved agency using early evidence kits. We will always encourage our VEV clients to get medical attention when needed. As well as being important for their health, this can also provide more evidence for their case if they decide to report.