Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults
Safeguarding and concerns about an adult | Worcestershire County Council
Adult abuse and exploitation are serious issues that affect many people. They involve someone misusing their power or control over another person, causing harm or distress. Abuse and exploitation can happen anywhere, such as at home, in a care home, in a hospital, or online.
There are different types of abuse and exploitation, such as physical, sexual, psychological, financial, domestic, discriminatory, neglect, and self-neglect. Each type of abuse and exploitation has its own signs and indicators, which may not always be obvious or easy to detect. Some examples of abuse and exploitation are:
Being hit, slapped, pushed, or restrained without consent
Being forced or pressured to take part in sexual acts or watch sexual material without consent
Being threatened, humiliated, isolated, or harassed
Having money or valuables stolen or misused by someone else
Being forced to work or provide services for someone else without pay or freedom
Being treated unfairly or differently because of race, sex, age, disability, or other factors
Not being provided with enough food, water, medication, or care by someone who is responsible for them
Not taking care of oneself or one’s health and hygiene
Abuse and exploitation can have serious and lasting effects on the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of the person who experiences them. Everyone has the right to live in safety, free from abuse and exploitation. If you or someone you know is being abused or exploited, you should seek help from a trusted person or organisation.